Welcome to the
Speaker Promotional Center!

The Global Autism Summit launches November 30th; promotion begins NOW!

Thank you so much for adding so much value to this amazing resource, The Global Autism Summit!  The interviews will be released beginning on November 30th, so let’s get the word out together!  The promotional period is from NOW to November 29th, and each interview will be available for 2 days (48 hours).


Here are your instructions to promote your program, The Global Autism Summit, and help us reach over 300,000 people:

Step 1: Click on your name below, and your Promotional Link and Promotional Graphic will pop up.

Step 2: Now grab your unique Promotional Link and Promotional Graphic. To grab your link, simply highlight the entire link, copy it, and paste it into your social media or email. To grab your picture, right click the image and save it to your computer. Then upload it into your social media post or newsletter.

Select Your Name Below.
Save Your Promotional Graphic and Copy Your Promotional Link.

Alan Vinitsky, M.D.

Affiliate Link:

Alex Liau

Affiliate Link:

Dr. Anju Usman Singh

Affiliate Link:

Anna Vagin, PhD

Affiliate Link:

Dr. Annie Clements

Affiliate Link:

Ashleigh Avina

Affiliate Link:

Barry Bruder

Affiliate Link:

Brigitte Shipman

Affiliate Link:

Dr. Bryna Siegel

Affiliate Link:

Carol Kranowitz

Affiliate Link:

Casey “Remrov” Vormer

Affiliate Link:

Charlene Tait

Affiliate Link:

Courtney Latham

Affiliate Link:

Elizabeth Sautter

Affiliate Link:

Ellen Yack

Affiliate Link:

Gareth D. Morewood

Affiliate Link:

Dr. Georgina Perez

Affiliate Link:

Dr. James Ball

Affiliate Link:

Dr. Jared Skowron

Affiliate Link:

Joye Newman

Affiliate Link:

Dr. Karen McKibbin

Affiliate Link:

Kelly Mahler

Affiliate Link:

Dr. Lynette Louise

Affiliate Link:

Melanie Milanes

Affiliate Link:

Patricia S. Lemer

Affiliate Link:

Paula Aquilla

Affiliate Link:

Rhonda Parker

Affiliate Link:

Richard Solomon

Affiliate Link:

Ron Sandison

Affiliate Link:

Sidney Baker

Affiliate Link:

Tania Garcia

Affiliate Link:

Wendela Whitcomb Marsh

Affiliate Link:

William Davenport

Affiliate Link:

Step 3: For your social media posts, copy the blurbs under Facebook or Twitter listed below.

IMPORTANT: Remember to add your promotional link to your post!


My friend and colleague, Ana Elisa Villalaz, is interviewing me and over 30 other amazing experts on The Global Autism Summit 2: How to create success, love and peace for your child and family! This video series is packed with tools, strategies, and free gifts and is a must-have for any parent and teacher who work with children, teens, or adults that have autism, Asperger’s, sensory disorder, or any other behavioral or learning challenges.

Join FREE here: [Insert affiliate link here]


Are you ready to transform your child’s behavioral challenges and get your life back? Sign up FREE for The Global Autism Summit 2: [Insert affiliate link here]

Step 4: Go to the Solo Promotional Email section below, and cut and paste the email text in this section to the email you will be sending to your list. IMPORTANT: Remember to add your promotional link to your email!

Solo Promotional Email

Be sure to insert YOUR affiliate link in the underlined text!


  • An exclusive free resource on autism
  • Experts share on autism for free
  • Special opportunity inside

Email body:


I want to let you know that a very powerful and valuable FREE resource will be available to you starting on November 30, 2020.

It is hosted by one of my friends, Ana Elisa Villalaz, who has created a powerful tool called The Global Autism Summit 2, for adults like you who have Autism or are raising children with Autism, or both.


CLICK HERE to register for FREE!


Ana Elisa and her team have worked with thousands of children who are on the spectrum over the past 20 years. One of Ana Elisa’s most particular experiences as a clinician was to realize how many children do not receive the right diagnosis at the right time just because the clinicians do not want to say something that can hurt the parents.

Ana Elisa and her team are also working with teachers and schools around the country, and what teachers are saying is nothing short of shocking. Teachers are saying that every year they receive more students on the spectrum and recommend that the parents ask for support but many times the parent does not want to listen. When a parent recognizes the markers of Autism they can better receive the support they need and change their child’s and their own life.

My mission is to raise awareness about Autism Spectrum, unite the Autism community, and give parents and teachers the tools that can help their children manage and overcome their child’s behavioral and learning challenges. Their mission has turned into a massive online event and features video interviews with over 30 different experts in the field of Autism, including myself.

This event is called “The Global Autism Summit 2: A comprehensive Parent Guide to create success, love and peace for your child and family!”


I have a complimentary ticket for you to attend. You can register using this link!


Just so you know, you will be able to watch this program from your home, office, or even on the go.

This resource is a must-have for any adult, parent, or teacher who has Autism or works with children, teens or adults who are on the Autism Spectrum or any other behavioral or learning challenges.


Here are some of the topics that will be covered in the video interviews:

  • Strategies that dramatically improve behavioral meltdowns and aggressive behavior in school and at home
  • Special challenges women face, especially moms, and how to meet them peacefully
  • How medical, biomedical and natural interventions can change behavior, or not
  • Develop your child’s brain to transform Autism behaviors
  • Effective therapy interventions for children with Autism
  • How to improve social skills with Autism
  • Productivity and motivational strategies that work
  • The new mindset around the Autism Spectrum, and how to adopt it
  • The freedom approach to thriving with Autism
  • How Autism just might be your greatest advantage
  • The shocking statistics about what happens when Autism is not managed, and how to avoid it
  • And much more!


These interviews are REAL, short, and to-the-point CONVERSATIONS (because we know how busy you are), and include Autism experts who have helped thousands of people just like you.

So let me ask you this: What would it be worth to you to be able to sit in front of 30 Autism experts with decades of experience – while still having time to be present for your children, or at work, or on the go – to find out what they are doing to help the thousands of people they work with?


Register HERE with your complimentary ticket to listen in!



I want to let you know that a very powerful and valuable FREE resource will be available to you starting on November 30, 2020.

It is hosted by one of my friends, Ana Elisa Villalaz, who has created a powerful tool called The Global Autism Summit 2, for adults like you who have Autism or are raising children with Autism, or both.


CLICK HERE to register for FREE!


Ana Elisa and her team have worked with thousands of children who are on the spectrum over the past 20 years. One of Ana Elisa’s most particular experiences as a clinician was to realize how many children do not receive the right diagnosis at the right time just because the clinicians do not want to say something that can hurt the parents.

Ana Elisa and her team are also working with teachers and schools around the country, and what teachers are saying is nothing short of shocking. Teachers are saying that every year they receive more students on the spectrum and recommend that the parents ask for support but many times the parent does not want to listen. When a parent recognizes the markers of Autism they can better receive the support they need and change their child’s and their own life.

This event is called “The Global Autism Summit 2: A comprehensive Parent Guide to create success, love and peace for your child and family!”


I have a complimentary ticket for you to attend. You can register using this link!


This resource is a must-have for any adult, parent, or teacher who has Autism or works with children, teens or adults who are on the Autism Spectrum or any other behavioral or learning challenges.
