Alex Liau

“Behavior Modification Therapy at Home”

About the Speaker

Alex obtained his degree in Psychology in the National University of Singapore (NUS). He has many years of experience working with children exhibiting a wide array of learning and behavior difficulties, with many diagnosed as having autism spectral disorder (ASD). He received training on Early Intensive Behavioral Intervention (EIBI) in Australia and subsequently went to Houston, Texas to receive Relationship Development Intervention (RDI) training under Dr. Steven Gutstein and Dr. Rachel Sheely. He has presented in Australia, Houston and Singapore and has been invited to participate in interviews by the press in Singapore. Additionally, he has worked with clients from various countries like China, Taiwan, United Kingdom, United States and Australia. He has also mentored and trained many therapists throughout his career. His interest in children with special needs started while he was concentrating on Childhood Psychology and pursued a research project on autism and related disorders. The many successful cases he achieve while working intensively with children with ASD made him a firm believer of early intervention and other comprehensive, experimentally proven therapies. Alex has the ability to harness the confidence and self esteem of these children which in turn enable them to be more receptive to compliance training and regain the ability to learn and progress.

In addition, he will be able to apply the SCERTS scope and sequence of goals in program development, namely writing goals and determining supports (i.e., educational planning). The formal assessment will be introduced as a mechanism to determine a child’s stage of language acquisition, establish a profile of strengths and areas of need in those areas most impacted by the core challenges of ASD and monitor progress over time.

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PDF Download – Transition of a Child from Early Intervention Programs to the Mainstream Environment

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The Global Autism Summit is brought to you by Ana Elisa Villalaz of Logros, Centro Terapéutico Integral, Panamá